Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Won't Be Seeing Much Of Me Anymore

The title is true, I don't get on cp that much and I never post anymore...I'm just way too busy. I haven't talked to some of you guys forever, it will continue in that path till maybe Summer. I might close this blog, I might not. So I guess talk to you guys later sometime.

-Bb Polo745

Friday, October 9, 2009

Football Pin

The football pin is located at the ski lodge attic.So if you don't already have it then go get it.
-Bb Polo745

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here is the instroment I play in band

This is the kind of instroment I play in band, it is called a baritone, and it is like a smaller version of the tuba. It makes a great sound that is really low. Down below is a picture of what it looks like. Btw it is a big instroment.
-Bb Polo745

Monday, October 5, 2009

I deleted mods

Hey, I deleted the mod list because well they dont come here anymore :P

-Bb Polo745

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

October clothing catalog sneek peak

On friday there will be the october clothing catalog.. yay! so theeres gonna be halloween stuff.to read more about this go to clubpenguin blog.
-Bb Polo745

Friday, September 25, 2009

Padlock Pin

It is in the book room near the books.
-Bb Polo745

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

Here are the scavenger hunt answers.

You have to click this on twice.

Fire pin woot!

-Bb Polo745

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Items At The Fall Fair

Here are the new items at the fall fair.The mustache is awesome, however it is for members only.
This is members only funriture item. Sorry non-members.

This is the purple hat it is available for everybody so it is in the forrest.

-Bb Polo745

101 Days Of Fun Pin

The pin is located in the pizza parlor.
-Bb Polo745

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Here is the items that are in The Time Of Forgot penguins or something like that. The items are unavailalble to buy right now but I bet in a little bit it will be working smootly. Woot I beat mimo777 on this post we will party for that.-Bb Polo745


There are lots of upcoming events that have to do with your igloo. And also 101 days of fun is over.
-Bb Polo745

Friday, September 4, 2009

Rockhopper's Items That He Brought

I completely forgot that rockhopper came because I was so excited for the fair I forgot. Well, here are the items he brought with him for the visit to Club Penguin.
-Bb Polo745

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Clothing Catalog

There are some pretty neat items in this catalog like the laptob. Click on the mouse to recieve a black tie.

-Bb Polo745

What You Can Get At The Fall Fair

Here is the members only items for the fall fair you have to earn tickets buy playing the new games around the island, however once you log off you lose your tickets so make sure you reddem them!:)I recomment playing puffle paddle or the puffle feeder game it works for me!
Here are the non-member items. -Bb Polo745

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dude15111s soccor partay

Bbpolo hasn't had a party in a while, and I haven't thrown one in a while so I'm inviting everyone. I play soccor so I'm going to be wearing my soccor stuff you don't have to but I like to dress up for partys.

When: September 2 2009

place: soccor pitch

time: 1:30 pst

server: ice cold

see you there!!!


Friday, August 28, 2009

Whats Inside The Sports Catalog

I wanted to post whats inside the catalog even though Dude posted about there being no cheats but I just wanted you guys to see whats inside. I like the green football uniform. The catalog seemed smaller than usual dont you think?

-Bb Polo745

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Snow and Sports


well anyway here is the cover

Rockhopper & fall fair

This is totally Oober. (my new word) check out the light house. Its awesome. the fall fair boxes are out take a look

Also Rockhopper is on his way.

New Koi Fish Pin

Its at the cove near the steps

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Todays 101 Days of fun!!

This one is kinda fun I guess.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Spots catolog suprise

Most of you probably know this already but the sport catolog is coming soon. here is the sneak peak

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Bye guys cya on Thursday!

-Bb Polo745

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Stage

Hi here are is the new stage catalog, sorry fo it being late I have been with my family a lot lately. Also there are no cheats in this new stage catalog. :(

-Bb Polo745 and sorry for it being late.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Here's this weeks newspaper. Sorry its late Dude15111 was supposed to post this but he didnt. :\
-Bb Polo745

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I found G last night and now today

Have you met G? Im gonna show you the pics I've gotten of him.

Up here is a really good pic I got of G alone today at server Fjord in the pool.
Here is a pic of G's player card i took last night. I knew I would find him again so thats the only pic from last night at the server Rocky Road on the hot air ballon.

-Bb Polo745

Friday, August 14, 2009

50 follower party

Hey guys my 50th follower party is at noon pst today at server mukluk at the dock plz come

-Bb Polo745

I am gonna start croping my pics

The title says it all im gonna start croping my pictures. I have been to lazy in the post but this will make my blog even better!!

-Bb Polo745

Day 72 for 101 days of fun

Here is the challenge.
-Bb Polo745

Cp Is Afloat

The island of cp is afloat as it shows right here!
-Bb Polo745

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Festival Of Flight

Hello penguins Bb Polo here and scroll down to find out a lot about the festival of flight! Here is a picture of the jetpack in action.
Here is the jet pack it is located at the tallest mountain.

Go to the forest and take a ride on the hot air ballon to the tallest mountain but you have to be a member, srry non members.It takes about 1 min and 30 seconds.

The green properlor cap is located at the plaza. This is another propelor cap added to r colection!

-Bb Polo745