Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hi im Bb Polo745 and this is my first post and blog ever.Heres a little about myself.I like to play sports.I was born in the USA.My favorite animal is cats.I may be getting more authors to help but we'll see.My penguin is over a year old now, he has lots lots of buddies so i may be full when you see me but ill tell ya.Hope you'll enjoy this blog as much as I will.

- Bb Polo745


  1. do you guys like it?

    -Bb Polo745

  2. I'll be sure to always check ur site to see if it's improving:)

    Keep't up!

    Matthew722 (Can there be something like Mods wat Mimo does, but call it something different) :D

  3. ill try to figure out how to make mods.
    -Bb Polo745
